Club Events at
Club Stockton

Club Stockton Christmas 2023 Members Badge Draw

Club Stockton Christmas members badge draw. $3000 over 6 Draws: Sunday December 24, 2023.

2PM | 2.30PM | 3PM | 3.30PM | 8PM | 9PM

$500 MUST BE WON EACH DRAW: Winner must be present at the time of the draw to claim the prize. If the winner has 5 minutes to claim the prize. If the winner is not present, redraw will take place until the winner is identified.

HOW TO ENTER THE DRAWS: Members will receive tickets to enter draws by swiping membership cards in the rewards kiosk. Members can only swipe the membership card once on the day of the draws taking place.

Terms and Conditions are available on request or find them in our Club Stockton App!


Event Dates @ Club Stockton